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Counselor's Corner

Counselor’s Corner


Contact Information

     * Lamisha Boyce, Counselor - email:

     * Tonya Weatherall, Counselor - email:



** Students who demonstrate ANY POSITIVE character traits can be awarded You've Been Spotted Passes from his/her teacher(s) and will have the opportunity to attend the Free Period for that six weeks. 

**There will also be a student per grade level awarded with a Kid's Meal to Texas Roadhouse for having the most You've Been Spotted Passes for his/her grade level! 

**The student with the most You’ve Been Spotted passes per grade level each six weeks will be named as the six weeks’ STAR STUDENT!


2021-2022 STAAR Testing Dates




Current Weather

Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 43.05˚F

Feels Like: 38.37˚F

Wind Speeds: 7.85mph

Weather humidity: 92%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Liberty-Eylau Middle School
5555 Leopard Dr
Texarkana, Texas 75501
Phone: 903.838.5555
Fax: 903.832.6700

LEMS Bully Hotline

If you have been the victim of bullying and/or have been a witness to someone being bullied, please report it.  Together we can make a difference!


CALL 206-406-6485

For more information about bullying visit this website or download this

PowerPoint presentation.

LEMS Online Safety Video



Parent Resources